I would like you to meet Lisa and Baco 😍
When I was a kid I wanted to have a horse so badly 😄 I always admired these animals and spent a lot of time in the stable. When I understood that horse is something that my parents will never agree to, because we live in a big city in apartment (this was the reason they told me) 😂 I began to ask them for a dog. But I love big dogs 😊 and to have one in the apartment was never ment to happen either. Now I live in a house and have a big dog 😊 but I still don’t have a horse. 😂 And I understand my parents very well now.
To photograph a fairy tale with a horse was on my wish list. So here it is.
And look at Baco 💗 he looks so noble 👑 as if he came straight from the fairy tale book ✨
I hope we'll have more photoshoots with beautiful Lisa 🌷 and gorgeous Baco.
Har du en firbeint venn som du har lyst å ta med på fotografering? Da kan du det! En hund, en katt, en hest, en kanin, eller kanskje til og med alle dem samtidig? 😄 Det kan bli virkelig moro! Jeg er veldig glad i dyr og jeg tar mer enn gjerne flotte portretter av dere.
Lisa var veldig fornøyd med sine bildene! «Det er de fineste bildene jeg har fått av oss 😍» skrev Lisa til meg.